
19-01-03 in China in certain sectors,many multinational firms have assumed they will be able to benefit from...

Art Dealer Says Shen Yun Has ‘Never Been Done Anywhere’ Before

18-12-27 friends to come, he tells them this: “Come to see an experience you will never have anywhere else.”With...

Not Keeping the Money Found, Abundant Wealth is Rewarded

18-12-25 night, I would have perished as well.” Zhu En said, “It happened because you were rewarded with good for...

A Folktale: Returning Good for Evil

18-12-25 getting old, and it is time for one of you to take charge of the family. Today, I will give each of you...

Getting China Right: Enodo chief economist explains her unique perspective on the second largest economy

18-12-24 years, you would have made a lot of money. And I got the timing of that story ending right as well in...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 3)

18-12-24 him, “Although this country is mine, it was indeed you who rebuilt it.” When General Pugu Huai’en...

Bad Deeds Foretold Ill Fortune; Good Deeds Reversed the Outcome

18-12-24 been taken away by the Divine. After your 40[sup]th[/sup] birthday, you will gradually suffer for the...

刘强东强奸案结案 千亿身家拦腰斩半

18-12-23 性侵女生的代表律师威尔·弗罗林(Will Florin)对检方的决定表示不满。Wil Florin在给路透社的一份声明中称,“这些调查人员从未见过受害者,从未和受害者谈话,也从未寻求与她的律师会面...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 2)

18-12-05 thorns wrapped around his bare back, saying, “I am only a rough brute. I did not expect you to be so...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 narrow-minded if we played tit for tat. I will give you a solution. We will send our people to the other side to...

Mencius (Part 2)

18-11-28 will have peace, but also the people of the whole country. Every day I hope that he will change his...

Migrant Caravan Members Are Mostly Male, 90 Percent Won’t Qualify for Asylum: Top US Official

18-11-27 , dispersing them.She slammed people who claimed Border Patrol agents shouldn’t have used tear gas.“I refuse to...

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

18-11-27 have demonstrated nothing but deep investment and commitment to social justice. That is how I came to...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21 much about you. Alright, I will tell you my name, but just keep it between us.” After Shun promised...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 Mencius.”  Mencius once said, “I am proficient in cultivating my noble spirit. It is the greatest and...

Democrat Ilhan Omar Switches Stance After Election, Says She Supports BDS Movement

18-11-21 , and I hope to be able to have a dialogue with her that clarifies which of those is the nature of her...

Trump’s Drug Pricing Czar Found With ‘Multiple Blunt Force Injuries,’ Ruled Suicide

18-11-21 as lobbyist.But Best’s experience could swing the other way, too.Pharma ‘Shake Up’Azar and Best will...

News Analysis: The Rosenstein Memo

18-11-15 Ellis continued:“I think you’ve already conceded appropriately that this investigation that has led to...

Florida AG Bondi Orders Investigation of Election Irregularities

18-11-15 irregularities in the conduct of election officials in Broward and Palm Beach counties in the 2018 election.”“I...

A Virtuous Mother From the Three Kingdoms Era

18-11-12 to believe me, then who will help me prove my case? Moreover, Lady Sun now assumes that I will tell...

How a Courageous Daughter Saved Her Father and Made History

18-11-12 to redeem my father’s sin by being your servant for the rest of my life. I beg you to spare him from...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1)

18-11-09 Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1) Xu You was a person of noble spirit in ancient China...

Ford’s Friend Monica McLean, Ex-FBI Agent, Could Face Charges for Tampering With Witness

18-11-09 responded once to allegations against her, speaking to another former FBI agent who now works for CNN.“I...


18-11-08 戏曲:永恒的昆曲 永恒的爱 Timeless Kunqu, Timeless Love(Flushing Town Hall)昆曲为中国传统戏剧的剧种之一,其形式优雅,融诗歌,音乐和故事为一体,并被...

Oil Price to Rally Sharply Amid Supply Shortage, Says Expert

18-11-08 (Max Pixel)WASHINGTON—American sanctions on Iranian oil, despite waivers, will create supply shock...

Six Selections from Ren Jing (Scripture of Forbearance)

18-11-07 them? Why did you run away instead?” Tian Jia was very afraid. Han Anguo told him, “I will not...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 you think that I came here to compete with you and steal your customers? Whether or not to make pots...

After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value

18-11-02 sculptor, “It hurts terribly. Can't you cut more gently? I have endured the wind and rain in the...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 percent to 5 percent. This incentive will be applied to vehicles with engines sized 1.6 liters or smaller...


18-11-01 school system.  2018 greatly reduced price sales event will take place at 105 North Stonestreet Avenue...

Zeng Shen Sincerely Complied with Confucius’ Teachings

18-10-25 : “Why don't you accept, since you did not ask for it?” Zeng sincerely replied: “I often hear that...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 1)

18-10-25 wanted to, yet when they needed him he was always around.” In such a bad family, Shun tempered himself...

如特殊高中招生改革 将影响上千成绩优秀学生

18-10-25 他们的过错,是你们把他们安排到这条注定失败的路上的。”教育局发言人Will Mantell 在发给《华尔街日报》的邮件中说:“改革目的是采用多元的评估手段,看学生全年的表现,学习排在前7%,与考取特殊高中...

谷俊山案牵出钓鱼台7号院 传涉及大人物

16-01-15 。该豪宅即位于“6号院”。令人关注的是,上述财新网的报导只提到,在“6号院”前排五座独栋中,徐才厚占据其一,而中间一栋灰顶的尤为气派。那么这一栋的屋主又是谁呢?1月14日,大陆微信公众号“i看见”发文《解密...

A Noble Man Has the Same Characteristics as Jade

16-01-14 become. Those with various colors will be ignored. Only the jade with a pure color will be selected and...


16-01-14 :铃木奥拓、三菱i、本田life等等。不过,这类车一般来说乘坐空间确实过于狭小,好在日本国人娇小身材居多,而且还享受到很多政策上的照顾(如不需要停车位证明就能买车...

不是每个老男人都是大叔,不是每个胖子都是Alan Rickman

16-01-14 了起来。在《哈利波特与魔法石》中,最让我记忆深刻的就是斯内普教授的第一节魔药课,它绝对是原著和小说的经典桥段。" I don't expect you  will really understand the...


16-01-14 《真爱至上(Love Actually)》2007年电影《理发师陶德》但最让人们记住他的,显然就是《哈利波特》系列里斯内普教授这个角色。。他虽然是一个在全世界颇有知名度的明星,但生活却一直非常低调。他与女友...


16-01-13 into the fog。来自LOFTER博主:Will Xie9、拍摄于-摩洛哥-舍夫沙万北非摩洛哥,有这样一座小城,它并非紧邻地中海,但是却保存着最为经典的地中海风格建筑和装饰,甚至胜过享誉世界的...


16-01-10 。保险丝重启后,没有关上舱门,却打开了关押的野兽。听到野兽的嚎叫,于是韩•索罗说道:“我有不详的预感”。这句台词是著名的星战flag,名气不亚于“我是你父亲”。凡是片中角色说了类似“I have a bad...